Saturday, June 9, 2007

My Obsesive Compulsivness

I was reading up on my sister-in-law's blog (about her quintuplets) and I like reading the comments best. As I was reading the comments however, I noticed that people feel like they don't need to use proper grammar when writing little notes. I don't care so much about spelling (because I myself can't spell too well) but seriously, using Internet slang, or not capitalizing I's or the first letter of a sentence? Come on...or making a lot one word, I thought those were things that were supposed to be stamped out of us in junior high.

When I did TOPS last year for American Heritage I volunteered at Provo High as a math tutor. I actually didn't do much, but my friend who volunteered with me tutored English, and she said that the papers she graded, from seniors, were written like text messages, or IM messages. Pitiful what is happening to the younger generations.

I hope you find all my grammatical errors and send me lots of hate mail!

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