Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Reading anyone?

Well, here I am at work again. I totally remember needing to write something today, but that was during class, and of course I had no access to a computer at the time. So now you must endure my random ramblings.

As I was talking with Alex yesterday, he mentioned, somewhat woefully, how he is always reading more than one book at a time, and I found myself wondering if there is any other way to go about it. I don't think it is possible for me to read just one book. Even excluding the scriptures, which we should always be reading, I am reading at least four books right now. I even finish these books somewhat regularly, at least when I'm not doing heaps of artwork, or writing essays, or other such nonsense.

I guess I can somewhat grasp reading one book at a time, because I usually only paint or draw one work of art at once, but it is not a very efficient use of my pitifully limited time. I must change this.

Anyway, It seems I have already exhausted my patience for writing blogs, and I still have 3 hours and 45 minutes left of work....

Monday, May 21, 2007

And now the mayhem begins...

So I've decided to utilize my blog for the purpose of blogging, and not just for the purpose of writing on other people's blogs. I don't know how long this will last; I'm not very consistent when it comes to writing anything (except facebook, I am remarkable at that). But, I am now faced with a summer full of long working hours in the office and need something with which to occupy my time. I have homework I should be doing but that is no fun.

Ah, work. I am a BYU Operator. Basically when you call the operator on a college campus, I am the person you are calling, but only if you're at BYU. We are renowned for knowing everything, we have people call all the time for non-BYU related things, like when Gene Kelly died, or what kind of flowers would be appropriate for furthering a relationship. It is basically the coolest job I could have on campus.

Life here at BYU is pretty good. I just got accepted into the Bachelor of Fine Arts program for my Drawing and Painting future. I have a wonderful boyfriend (Alexander Phillip Shafer Jr.), and great roommates who tolerate my absence and messy room as no one else ever could, and I'm doing pretty well in my classes so soon I will be able to leave Provo town! It is actually not that bad here in Utah, it is just no Colorado.

On other notes, my brother Joel is in Iraq, serving us in the army. His wife Tobi is holding down the fort (ah the majesty of the pun...) in Texas with Alec and Cora. My sister Alicia is in St. George with her husband Dr. Mike, and Trevor and Andrew, providing glasses to the blind people. And my oldest brother Jayson and his son Riley are in Texas as well, filming engineering videos to his hearts delight. His wife Rachelle and daughter Kaiya are in Arizona so they can be near the doctor who will deliver the Quintuplets she is expecting. My family is wonderfully crazy. Jayson and Rachelle each have blogs and a website documenting their quintuplet experience ( Pretty cool.

That is about all the blogging I can take for one evening.